Here is where I'll post all the quotes from Angelina that everyone likes. They can be from a movie, the televison, magazine, or straight outta her mouth. So send in the quotes of your choice and I'll post them up here. If you decide to give your name I'll also include that by your quote. Please make sure, when you send a quote, to tell me where it's from. Thanx! Have fun! "Razors pain you, Rivers are damp. Acid stains you, Drugs cause cramps. Gun's aren't lawful, Nooses give. Gas smells awful, You might as well live." (-Angelina in "Girl, Interrupted"-) "God gave men brains larger then dogs so they wouldn't hump women's legs at cocktail parties!" (-Angelina in "Hackers"-) "And, you know, he's the sexiest f*cking creature that ever lived." (-Angelina on Billy Bob-) "I love my father, but I'm not him." (-Angelina on her Father Jon Voight-) "I have to go, I have to go. Everybody has to go. Where the f*ck does everybody go when they have to go, huh?" (-Angelina in Gia-) Gia: "Hi, umm, I'm here to see Wilhemina Cooper." Lady: "So is the rest of the world, and the rest of the world is way ahead of you hunny. Take a seat." Gia: "I have an appointment." Lady: "Of course you do." Gia: "Eleven o'clock, uh, Gia Marie Carangi." Lady: "G what..?" Gia: (pulling out knife and writting on desk) "Look. G-I-A. There. Gia! Just f*ck the rest of it, call me Gia, do you think you can remember that, honey? Yea? Cool! Now tell the bitch I'm here." (-Angelina in Gia-) "Look, this was a free trip to New York. And if I knew you were looking for Marsha f*cking Brady, I would have stayed home." (-Angelina in Gia-) T.J.: "Have you ever had sex with a man?" Gia: "Yea, once." T.J.: "And?" Gia: "And, uh, I could have done that with a German Shepard." (-Angelina in Gia-) "I am finally comfortable," Jolie said of her suit. "I'm usually in a dress and I find it restricting. Pants are me." (-Angelina on her 2001 Oscar D&G suit-) -Us Weekly- "I don't think the money people in Hollywood have ever thought I was normal, but I am dedicated to my work and that's what counts." (-Angelina Jolie-) sent in by Amy "I'm one of those people who needs to learn how to let someone hug me. I also need to need other people because I do. " (-Angelina Jolie-) sent in by Amy Gia - "life and death. energy and peace. if i stopped today, it was still worth it. even the terrible mistakes that i have made, and would have unmade if i could. the pains that have burned me and scarred my soul. it was worth it for having been allowed to walk where i've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far inbetween, though it, in it and above..." (-Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia-) sent in by Amy Gia - " I like KICK Spiderman's ass!" (-Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia-) sent in by Amy
"I wish I could find people who just would fight me and break through to me and hold me down and scream their life into my face." (-Angelina Jolie-) "Why don't you do the world a big fat fucking favour and crawl back into your mothers womb!" (-Angelina as Joan in Playing by Heart-) "I do be da pittiest pittiest girl, I do be dat." (-Angelina as Gia in the movie Gia-) "You're young, you're in bed, you have knives... shit happens!" (-Angelina Jolie-) "Being somebody doesn't make you anybody anyways." (-Angelina as Gia in the movie Gia-) "If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different....I'd rather be completely fucking mental." (-Angelina Jolie-) Lisa's thoughts on therapy:"Yeah well that's what ther-rape-me's all about. That's why fuckin Freud's picture on every shrink's wall. Create a fuckin industry out of it. You lie down, confess your secrets, and your saved. Ka-ching!" (-Angelina as Lisa in Girl, Interrupted-) "If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me." (-Angelina Jolie-) all sent in by Dominka
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